Exhibit Prices / Styles

Shell Scheme Package

Membership or Cooperation
Exhibit Prices JPY 490,000(Tax inc.) JPY 539,000 JPY 510,000(Tax inc.) JPY 561,000

Booth Specifications : w2970 × d2970 × h2700 mm

  • 1 reception counter w900 × d450 × h750 mm
  • 1 display counter w1485 × d700 × h750 mm
  • Carpet
  • Company name board
  • Parapet
  • 2 spotlights
  • 100V/300W electrical outlet
  • 1 folding chair

* Booths are partitioned by panel boards of w1980 x h2700 mm to the left & right of neighboring booths.
* The back panel is w2970 x h2700 mm in size. The floor is carpeted and is grey in color.
* Additional components / features are available.
* Any additional electrical work can only be carried out by the organizer, the cost will be charged to the exhibitor.

[Change of equipment]
If the equipment included in the package booth (display stands / chairs) is changed to other specifications, the actual cost of the changed equipment will be charged. (Please note that no reduction will be made.)
However, for increases in electrical capacity that do not involve the addition of appliances, we will charge only the cost of each electrical work and the increase in usage.

Raw Space

Membership or Cooperation
Exhibit Prices JPY 400,000 (Tax inc.) JPY 440,000 JPY 420,000 (Tax inc.) JPY 462,000

Booth Specifications : w2970 × d2970 × h2700 mm

* There are no panel boards, carpet, display tables or fixtures.
* There are no electrical supplies, equipment.
* Any additional electrical work can only be carried out by the organizer, the cost will be charged to the exhibitor.

Table-Top Booth

Membership or Cooperation
Exhibit Prices JPY 260,000 (Tax inc.) JPY 286,000 JPY 280,000 (Tax inc.) JPY 308,000

Booth Specifications : w1980 × d1980 × h2700 mm

  • 1 Table (w1800 x d750 x h700 mm)
  • Company name board
  • 1 spotlight
  • 100V/200W electrical outlet
  • 1 folding chair
  • Carpet

* Optional set is available.
* Any additional electrical work can only be carried out by the organiser, the cost will be charged to the exhibitor.

[Change of equipment]
If the equipment included in the tbale-top booth (display table / chairs) is changed to other specifications, the actual cost of the changed equipment will be charged. (Please note that no reduction will be made.)
However, for increases in electrical capacity that do not involve the addition of appliances, we will charge only the cost of each electrical work and the increase in usage.